is the official website of the Flemish Authority (Vlaamse overheid) in Belgium. For the citizens it is a broad portal to the information provided by the government. The information on the website aims to be comprehensible, accessible, and…
Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, initiated in 1972 by a collaboration between two international non-profits, the Union of International Associations (UIA) and Mankind 2000, is the result of an ambitious effort to collect and present…
The Children’s Rights Commissioner’s Complaint Line. Sometimes, things can go awry at school, at the sports club, in your neighbourhood or municipality, in the youth movement, in child and youth care, in general care services... Or you may feel that you…
The Union of International Associations (UIA) is a research institute and documentation centre, based in Brussels. It was founded in 1907 by Henri La Fontaine — the Nobel Peace Prize laureate of 1913, and Paul Otlet — a founding father of what is now called…